jointly organized with AIDAA - Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics -
17-19 Feb 2020 Napoli (Italy)

Special Session: Talented Researchers

Talented Researchers

Christophe Droz, Elke Deckers and Wim DesmetGeneralized Bloch modeling framework for piecewise periodic structures - theory and applications.

Christophe is a postdoctoral researcher in vibroacoustics at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, specialized in reduced modelling techniques for periodic media. He received a Ph.D degree in Structural Dynamics at Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2015. During his Ph.D he worked with Airbus Helicopters to investigate waveguiding phenomena in composite structures and developed a wave-based de-icing strategy for helicopter rotor blades. During the past 4 years, Christophe made several postdoctoral stays at Ecole Centrale de Lyon and KU Leuven, where he pursued research on wave-based modeling, lightweight design and vibration control. He was also European Project Manager and involved in the European Joint Doctorate programme VIPER. In 2019 Christophe obtained a prestigious Individual Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, aiming to explore new scattering feature-based damage assessment techniques able to tackle lightweight meta-structures. 

Wenjun Wang, Yu Fan and Lin Li / Piezoelectric transducers for structural health monitoring of joint structures in cylinders: a wave-based approach

This was cancelled due to the situation of coronavirus in China

Yu was born in Sichuan, China, in 1987. He received the Ph.D. degree from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France, in 2016. He is currently with Beihang University, China as an Associate Professor. He has been the Council Member of the Chinese Society for Vibration Engineering (CSVE), since 2018. He has co-authored more than 20 international publications, 10 national publications, and 2 books, and holds 5 patents. He is the Principle Investigator of five national research projects and is involved in several industrial research projects. His current research interests include piezoelectric structures, wave propagation, and vibration control. He received the Seal of Excellence of Horizon 2020’s Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions, in 2019.

Najib Kacem / Towards nonlinear multimodal approaches for vibration energy harvesting.

Najib graduated in 2006 with an Arts et Métiers ParisTech engineering diploma. After carrying out a final year research project within a Swiss institution for material sciences and technology development (EMPA), he joined the CEA in Grenoble to prepare for a Ph.D. devoted to the nonlinear dynamics of MEMS and NEMS sensors that he completed in March 2010. He subsequently undertook a post-doctoral research position at the University of Geneva. His work there mainly focused on lattice Boltzmann approach for multiscale modeling. He became Associate Professor at the University of Franche-Comté in 2011, and Chair of excellence until 2016. He co-organized several symposiums related to the dynamics of MEMS and NEMS, model reduction, and energy harvesting within the framework of the International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis and the International ASME Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems. He co-organized the French National Days on Energy Harvesting and Storage in 2018 and the Franco-Polish Mechanics seminar in 2019. He is member of the MNS committee in the ASME and his area of expertise and current research interests include MEMS/NEMS, Nonlinear Dynamics, Energy Harvesting, and Smart Systems.

Romain Rumpler / Padé approximants for multivariate reduced order models. 

Romain graduated in Mechanical Engineering at INSA Lyon, and after 2 years at ENS Cachan where he prepared for the national competitive examination “Agrégation” of mechanical engineering in 2008, he enrolled in a joint PhD (mechanics and applied acoustics) between Cnam Paris and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, which he defended in 2012.He was subsequently awarded the Best Thesis award by the French Computational Structural Mechanics Association (CSMA) for his PhD thesis on the efficient modelling of sound absorbing poroelastic materials, which was also selected among the finalists of the ECCOMAS award for the Best PhD theses 2012. After 2 postdocs, he is now a permanent researcher at KTH where he has been involved in a number of national and European projects including research on the modelling of complex vibro-acoustic systems, reduced-order models, perforated panels, and environmental noise.


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